Saturday, May 30, 2020

Am I LinkedOut

Am I LinkedOut Late last night I was e-mailing back and forth with a job seeker in San Francisco that heard the podcast interview and signed up on JibberJobber. He gets the value of JibberJobber as a tool for his current job search as well as others that he will inevitably have. In his words: I am employed but then again, based on everything Ive heard and seen, thats the best time to plan ahead and build career change resources. So that other tool â?? LinkedIn. It is growing on me (yep, Im a slow adopter). I remember my first few weeks on LinkedIn it was a social Siberia. I was lonely. I had no links. It was embarrassing to link to anyone because theyd only be one of well, 2 connections Now I have so many I can count them all on one hand! I honestly havent been soliciting LinkedIn connections, but I never turn a request down (yep, all 5 requests). So I dont write this as an expert, rather an observer ?? And yes, I believe that a social networking site like LinkedIn fits in nicely with JibberJobber. If you dont have an account with LinkedIn no matter your status in a job search (even you guys that arent looking) here is what I recommend: Get an account its free and easy. Find 10 to 15 people to try and hook up with this way when someone wants to link to you theyll see that you have more than, say, someone like me Find people from your work, previous jobs, neighbors, other people in your network, coaches/counselors, friends, etc. Regularly get a new link to someone this can be a daily goal, a weekly goal, or a monthly goal. The point is, continue to build your online social network. The more links you create the more value you bring to people. Reach out to a second degree person every once in a while try and meet someone new through your network. Thatâ??s what it is for, isnâ??t it? Import the LinkedIn contacts into JibberJobber take advantage of the ranking as well as the logs that JibberJobber has so you can really focus on ensuring that the relationships with those contacts increase (if you can measure it, you can improve it). If you are a newbie at linked in, that is enough to get you started. Donâ??t worry about the super-users in LinkedIn â?? with thousands of connections. Develop your network with consistency and work on those relationships! If you want to add me, and get me over the hump of only having 5 first degree connections, just search on Jason Alba! Iâ??d be happy to be one of your first connections. Am I LinkedOut Late last night I was e-mailing back and forth with a job seeker in San Francisco that heard the podcast interview and signed up on JibberJobber. He gets the value of JibberJobber as a tool for his current job search as well as others that he will inevitably have. In his words: I am employed but then again, based on everything Ive heard and seen, thats the best time to plan ahead and build career change resources. So that other tool â?? LinkedIn. It is growing on me (yep, Im a slow adopter). I remember my first few weeks on LinkedIn it was a social Siberia. I was lonely. I had no links. It was embarrassing to link to anyone because theyd only be one of well, 2 connections Now I have so many I can count them all on one hand! I honestly havent been soliciting LinkedIn connections, but I never turn a request down (yep, all 5 requests). So I dont write this as an expert, rather an observer ?? And yes, I believe that a social networking site like LinkedIn fits in nicely with JibberJobber. If you dont have an account with LinkedIn no matter your status in a job search (even you guys that arent looking) here is what I recommend: Get an account its free and easy. Find 10 to 15 people to try and hook up with this way when someone wants to link to you theyll see that you have more than, say, someone like me Find people from your work, previous jobs, neighbors, other people in your network, coaches/counselors, friends, etc. Regularly get a new link to someone this can be a daily goal, a weekly goal, or a monthly goal. The point is, continue to build your online social network. The more links you create the more value you bring to people. Reach out to a second degree person every once in a while try and meet someone new through your network. Thatâ??s what it is for, isnâ??t it? Import the LinkedIn contacts into JibberJobber take advantage of the ranking as well as the logs that JibberJobber has so you can really focus on ensuring that the relationships with those contacts increase (if you can measure it, you can improve it). If you are a newbie at linked in, that is enough to get you started. Donâ??t worry about the super-users in LinkedIn â?? with thousands of connections. Develop your network with consistency and work on those relationships! If you want to add me, and get me over the hump of only having 5 first degree connections, just search on Jason Alba! Iâ??d be happy to be one of your first connections.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Writing an Internship in YourResume

Writing an Internship in YourResumeIf you're looking to write an internship in your resume then it is important that you keep in mind that this part of your resume is a great opportunity for you to let employers know what you can do for them. But you must be careful not to seem like you are just trying to extend yourself by going back to school. Instead, you must show them what you have done in the past.The key to writing an internship in your resume is to show what you can do in the past. For example, if you want to write something about 'current work experience' then you should put in what you have done in the past. If you have worked for an employer and they need someone to help their office to find the next applicant for an open position then you can provide that service. This is a great way to show the employer how much experience you have as well as what they can expect from you when you are working for them.You can also include an internship that you might have had with someon e you know in the past. If you know a friend who works at a Fortune 500 company, then you could work an internship for them or you could provide them with some free training so they can use it in your place. The point is to not just tell them what you did, but how you did it. Show them what skills you have in the past and why you should be hired. This will help your resume stand out from other resumes because it shows that you have learned what you need to learn and you are not just going back to the same old college major.When it comes to writing an internship in your resume, you may also want to go over your work history to see what you have done in the past that shows you have the ability to work on something bigger. If you have worked in a fashion design shop, then you can talk about that. However, you want to make sure that you are providing valuable information about your past work experiences in that type of field. If you aren't positive about what you have done in your past work experiences, then you may want to think about getting an internship to help show employers what you can do.An internship is an excellent way to prove to employers that you have the ability to work in an industry that they are currently looking to hire for. A summer internship is another good example because this is usually free money for college students who want to help their college careers move forward. By providing some free work experience to your boss, you are showing that you care about your job.On top of writing an internship in your resume, you also want to be sure that you are actually included on any documents that say that your internship went well. You want to be very specific about the type of internship that you helped to complete and show them that you helped to complete it. It doesn't matter if you worked in a jewelry store or if you worked in a ski resort because both are valid examples of an internship.Another thing that you want to be sure of is to be honest about any time that you spent on an internship. When your supervisor asks you for something and you say you didn't have any free time to spend on it, then you aren't really telling the truth. Instead, you want to give them the details of your time spent on the internship.If you did get time to help with a project or if you helped to complete a project in the real world, then you want to be sure to mention it. Your internships may have been a great experience, but if you showed them you were lazy or didn't have the motivation to work, then you should be honest about that. Showing your internships to be successful will help them to be able to trust you more, so you want to do that by being as helpful as possible.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

20 Ways to Turn Off an Interviewer

20 Ways to Turn Off an Interviewer The interview is like a first-date. You are  checking out the company and the people you meet with and they are evaluating you. You are both looking for some sign that this may lead to another  date, or even a long-term relationship. During an interview, a similar evaluation is occurring. Are you doing things to turn off the interviewer? Appearance: You have between six and 30 seconds to make a first impression, depending on which study you choose to go by. Your physical appearance is all youve got so dont dismiss the importance of the details. Below are some of the most popular reasons candidates have been eliminated: Lack of professional appearance or inappropriate attire. Poor eye contact, poor handshake or unfriendly body language. Poor hygiene, bad breath, gum chewing, smoking and strong perfume. If you are unsure what to wear or how professional is defined by the company you are interviewing with, go ahead and ask the person arranging the interview what the dress code is for the interview. Ability: Obviously, you need to have the skills to perform the job. If a company is going to invest in you, even if it means they have to train you to get up to speed, they want to see that you can handle the job. Soft skills are equally as important as technical abilities, so you should be aware of your communication and interpersonal skills and if needed, work on improving them, especially when you are in situations that make you nervous or stressed.    The interviewer may use these factors to eliminate you: Evidence of weak teamwork skills. Inability to communicate qualifications clearly. Evasive or vague responses to specific questions. Distracted, not listening or not paying attention. Extreme nervousness and/or shyness. Attitude: Your attitude is under a microscope too. Even before you arrive at the interview, the company can and probably is, assessing your behavior. Here are the top turn-offs based on what you do and say: Arrogant, “know-it-all” attitude. Tardiness or not showing up for interview on-time. Personality problems or irrational behavior. Overly aggressive or manipulative behavior. Unrealistic goals, career and job expectations. Lack of energy, enthusiasm, and direction. Remember, this is a first date. You want to put your best foot forward and be on your best behavior! Amicable: Will you fit in with the team and will the  hiring manager be able to manage you? In short, are you likable? Always watch what you say and even if goaded, never indulge in trash-talking anyone. The interview may feel relaxed, but never let your guard down. Recruiters wouldnt say the  following  were deal-breakers if they hadnt heard these topics brought up during interviews: Racist, prejudiced and sexist remarks. Negative comments about supervisors and coworkers. There are two sides to every story and you should know: the interviewer is likely going to take the other side. Amateur: Employers want to hire someone who is professional and knows how to conduct themselves in the workplace. They also want someone who is interested in the position. You can demonstrate both  by preparing for the interview like you would prepare for a major project. Sometimes you can tell the other person just doesnt want to be there. It isnt one thing but a series of behaviors and answers that lead you to the conclusion that they just arent that in-to you. These are clues that you may not be ready for the job: Shallow and inappropriate questions. Lack of knowledge about the company. Early discussion or questions about salary/benefits. Didn’t show interest in the job. The next time you have an interview scheduled remember: you only have one chance to make a great first impression. Make sure you learn the rules and etiquette of interviewing, conduct research on the company, the job and the people you will be meeting and be ready with some sharp questions.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Angry Frustrated Recruiters Want to Know! - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Angry Frustrated Recruiters Want to Know! - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career When a hiring manager, recruiter, investor or potential partner asks you how you handle frustration and anger: what will you say? Of course, I recommend the truth, so you might have to be really picky about the example you choose to share. After all, you’re not being asked about every instance where you lost your temper. You get to choose one. Choose wisely. It will pay off if you have a particular situation in mind, with an answer you’ve practiced so your rage gene doesn’t provoke your Incredible Hulk response. No one wants to hire a mean green menace, although we know that even a softy like Shrek has his limits. Start your discovery process by meditating a bit on what’s recently frustrated or irritated you. You might also want to focus on an inanimate object, like when your car battery died on the way to the airport or your phone update wiped out all your photos.   Focus on what happened, what you did to calm yourself down, how you took care of the situation and what you learned from it. Got that? What happened? How did you return to a calm, problem-solving state of mind? What did you do to take care of the situation as quickly and effectively as possible? What did you learn from the experience? Your personal brand is at stake here, because we all get angry, irritated, frustrated, and worse. So, you want to communicate that you’re human and get upset. But, you also want to be seen as a person who is really effective, able to acknowledge difficult feelings and recover from them quickly. This is a great time to showcase that your personal brand includes resilience and recovery from failure. You also want to make it clear that you are someone who learns from mishaps, and takes responsibility by having alternative plans whenever possible. Can you see how this tough question is actually a gift to you as you reveal the nature of your personal brand? Can you see how this moment allows you to show some of your best qualities? Here’s an example, from my client Dylan. He starts off his answer with a smile â€" a little bit rueful and a little self-deprecating.   That smile is contagious, and the recruiter will smile, too. And, those smiles increase Dylan’s likability! Pretty good for Dylan’s personal brand from the get-go. Here’s what he says: I wish I were a better mechanic, since I really love the Mustang my dad handed down to me. It’s a classic, which means not every repair shop has the parts that seem to wear out or give out pretty regularly. A few months back, the car stalled on the freeway during morning rush hour traffic. I was horrified. I was that guy that you hear on traffic reports: car stalled in the middle lane of the 405 and stopping traffic all the way back to the airport. I was so angry at myself for making me and all these people late for work.   I’m a Triple A member, so I called them immediately and they got me out of there. That day I made the decision to keep the car only for weekend trips with my dad, who really is a great mechanic. And for workdays, I bought a brand new subcompact that gets about 40 miles a gallon. It’s much cheaper on gas than the Mustang and perfectly reliable. It was a good lesson for me: to choose efficient and effective over sentimental, when it comes to machinery.  Next time I’m mentioned on the radio, I’d like it to be about something good I’ve done. Can you see how Dylan’s personal brand now includes good decision-making? Can you see how he used the opportunity to talk about his dad and the time they spend together? Can you see how his good humor comes through? What can you say that let’s a recruiter know that you can handle your anger or other negative feelings, and use them to your own and the company’s advantage? Do you want to know if you have an anger problem? I have a self-graded assessment you can have for free. Just email me at Subject line: Anger.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

How to Improve Your Reading and Writing Skills on Resume

How to Improve Your Reading and Writing Skills on ResumeYou can read and write your resume in a number of ways. Some of these can be found on the internet, while others require you to go out and get some specific type of resume writing tools or software to help you with your resume writing.If you've taken an online course to learn how to write a resume, then it's probably at a certain point that you would have had a chance to use a resume writer to help you with your resume. This can be an incredibly useful tool to know about. Not only does a resume writer to make it easy for you write a resume, but they will also give you the choice of either inserting all of your qualifications and experience to one section, or splitting things up into different sections.Some people who are very good at reading and writing skills still feel that they could have done it better. Some people don't like to write, and when you need to write a resume, it can be a bit of a challenge for them. You might wa nt to consider taking a resume writing course to help you with this.One way to help improve your writing skills is to actually spend some time in front of a computer. All of the things that you could normally do by using a computer are important. You should find a time when you can spend an hour or so in front of a computer, watching videos and reading, and then be able to type out a resume for yourself.Another thing that you can do to help improve your writing skills is to make sure that you're aware of the conventions that are used by everyone around you. Using these conventions will be essential when you're writing a resume. They are something that can help you ensure that your resume is going to look professional and correct to the people that are reading it.If you want to improve your writing skills then you should really find a way to practice reading and writing. Use a computer program that will help you with this. If you can't get a program then you could always try using a dictionary.You can even take this further and practice reading and writing when you're not looking at a resume. It's a lot easier than it sounds. You could try writing a blog post or even try making your own resume.As soon as you start writing a resume you will find that it's going to take a lot less time. If you just go at it one resume at a time, you'll quickly realize that you can write a resume in under an hour. Using the resume writing tools you already have, or even using these free resume writing guides, you can be well on your way to having a professional looking resume.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

3 Hottest Tech Sectors To Consider For Your New Career - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach

3 Hottest Tech Sectors To Consider For Your New Career Nowadays being in tech is no longer considered as a novel path. Most companies now are heavily dependent on technologies and tech talents to continuously improve their products and more efficiently run their operations. Furthermore, these jobs are highly skilled and highly paid, contributing to the productivity and growth of the wider economy. The boom of tech start-ups has transformed the marketplace and created demands for new types of labour. The growth rate of digital jobs was twice higher than that of non-digital jobs between 2011 and 2015 in the UK.   Many different industries are being swept off with disruptions and changes and need to rely on diverse talents to get ahead in an increasingly competitive ecosystem. Here are some examples of the hottest trends for those looking for more innovative roles for their next career. 1. Supply Chain I know that traditionally supply chain doesn’t sound very sexy, but with the U.K. and the world experiencing the transition into Industry 4.0, there are so many exciting opportunities for revolutionising innovations. The rise of Industrial Digital Technologies (IDT’s) which include robotics, additive manufacturing (e.g., 3D printing), and self-driving cars has been leading force driving the Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution. One 2017 study of industrial digitisation stated that the U.K.’s manufacturing sector could create generate hundreds of billions of pounds over the next ten years through IDT’s and create 175,000 highly lucrative   jobs. An aspiring tech talent interested in being a leader in this new revolution might want to consider advancing their knowledge about supply chain and operations by taking in-depth supply chain or procurement courses. It is easy to be empowered with knowledge today; get started immediately to make yourself a much more attractive candidate! 2. Cybersecurity Cybersecurity is a serious risk with which all firms across all sectors and geographies are deeply concerned. The widespread adoption of IoT (Internet of Things) has brought on new cybersecurity challenges. The talent shortage in cybersecurity is a well-known problem; it’s predicted that there will be a global shortfall of 1.8 million cybersecurity professionals by 2022. According to Malwarebytes’ lead malware analyst Chris Boyd, in 2018 several thousand MikroTik routers were compromised and wrongfully used to mine cryptocurrencies. This trend is expected to only grow. Lack of security innovators in the space of IoT, people are looking to the governments to regulate and incorporate security infrastructure the industry desperately needs. This would be extremely important for defence, healthcare, transportation, energy, and manufacturing. Any cybersecurity expert will have so much room for growth in their career trajectory and will have an opportunity to leave a significant impact on the development of a new digital era. 3. Blockchain and Tokenisation The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) approved 29 firms to test the token issuance in their regulatory sandbox in 2018. While most of today’s blockchain applications reside in the financial services industry, most enterprises are evaluating how they could leverage blockchain technologies (global ledger and smart contracts) in their business models. The UK government recently invested £10M into blockchain research and Santander was the first bank to release a retail global payment processing app on a blockchain platform. With the collaborative attitude and input from the government, this sector will thrive and hit a tipping point in the next 5 years. Even if you are not a sophisticated engineer well-versed in the world of the ‘trustless’ platform, there is a variety of roles that are needed in blockchain startups (financial market experts, for instance). You will be at the forefront of people creating something absolutely brand new or re-engineering underserved issues using never-before-used concepts and systems.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Targeted Job Search - Whos Hiring in Sales - CareerAlley

Targeted Job Search - Whos Hiring in Sales - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Sales are down in just about every industry and in many cases, sales jobs have followed. Looking at the trends, the number of sales jobs posted has not really decreased that much. Of course, much depends on the industry you are in and how that industry has performed. As an example, compare car salesman job trends to retail sales and you can see what I mean. Not being a sales person myself, I really dont know how much truth there is to the view that a good salesman can sell anything, however, there is truth to the saying that if you cant sell yourself it is likely you wont get the job. But if you look hard enough, there are plenty of sales jobs out there. As with all targeted searches, there are a number of avenues you can use to focus your search. A broad range of traditional methods should be used, such as: Networking Job Search Sites Recruiters Company websites But there are other methods as well which can be leveraged in your job search such as associations, unions, alumni / college career sites and professional organizations. Todays post will cover a few This is the Worlds largest Sales Employment Site according their tag line. And, according to the stats on their main page, there are over 59,000 jobs on their site. The main page has tabs at the top, but Candidates seems to be the only one that would be of interest. Below this (middle of the page) is a quick search box (using industry and area code). Bottom left hand side is the candidates section where you can upload your resume, login or get advice. Clicking the Candidates tab at the top leads to a page with dedicated resources such as Search, post resume, advice, sales links and more. National Association of Sales Professionals This is an example of a professional organization (this one focusing on sales). In addition to other services, this association also has a career center (one of the tabs at the top of the page). Click on career center and the left hand side of the page is dedicated to Job Seekers where you can post a resume, View jobs, create personal alerts and more. When I clicked on the view jobs link, over 9,700 jobs were available on this site. Sales Talent This is a national recruiting firm that specializes in the placement of sales professionals. Click the Find Sales Jobs link to see their current searchs (there were 69 when I checked). At the top of the page there are links for Job Agent and Ask our Recruiter. On the lef hand side of the page there are additional links for contact us where you can find all of the information you need to submit your resume. Macys Retail Sales Job Ive used Macys as an example of a company career site as a resource for sales positions. Using the link to the left will lead to Macys Job Recruiting site. Click on search jobs and, when the next page is viewed, type in Sales in the keywords field. This will lead to a page of jobs related to sales. Use this same concept for other companies that have sales forces. Best Headhunters, a nationwide professional Executive Search Firm, helps organizations recruit the best executive star talent in the market according to their website. Top of the page has a number of links to Job List, Blog, How to Use this Site and more. On the right hand side of the page are a number of functional links, click Sales to go to the sales specific site. You will immediately see a list of jobs. Click on any job to see a full page job description along with a link (at the bottom of the page) to apply. Good luck in your search.